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    Dr. Stamatia Dova, Professor and Director of Classics and Greek Studies at Hellenic College, has recently published a new book, The Poetics of Failure in Ancient Greece (Routledge), which offers an innovative approach to archaic and classical Greek literature by focusing on a little-explored topic through close readings of epic, lyric, and tragic poetry. This monograph revisits key passages from the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, Pindar's epinician odes, Euripides' Herakles, and other texts to identify a poetics of failure that encompasses gods, heroes, athletes, and citizens alike. It is engaging reading for both scholars and students who are interested in...

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    The Kallinikeion Institute at Hellenic College Holy Cross is an intensive Modern Greek language program sponsored by the Kallinikeion Foundation, offering two courses in Modern Greek, one at the beginning level and one at the intermediate level, with all classes taught by members of the HCHC faculty. This year the program, which is open to both HCHC and non-HCHC students, will run from Monday, May 11, to Friday, June 5. Each student will earn six credits toward graduation upon successful completion of the ninety-hour syllabus. As always, participants will gain both language proficiency and an appreciation of Greek culture. However, in...

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  • Faculty and Students Attend Conference on Missions and Evangelism

    HCHC was well represented at the National Conference on Missions and Evangelism held February 3-5, 2020, at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Columbus, Ohio. The theme of the conference, which was made possible by a grant from Leadership 100, was "Leading Change Toward a Healthier Parish." Fr. Jim Kordaris (MDiv 1999), the Director of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Department of Stewardship, Outreach, and Evangelism, worked with Fr. Luke Veronis (MDiv 1992) and the Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity at HCHC and an ad hoc Missions and Evangelism Committee to organize the conference. Fr. Veronis is Director of the Institute...

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  • Hellenic Students Launch Philanthropic Business Venture

    Four Hellenic College students have just launched a new business venture, Orama Watches, with an ambitious philanthropic aim. Demetrius Karathanos from Illinois, Nicholas Metropulos from Florida, Aleksandar Pavlovic from North Macedonia, and Alejandro Zendejas from Mexico may be a diverse group in terms of background, but they share a common vision about socially conscious entrepreneurship. In fact, orama is the Greek word for vision. This bright idea came to Nick, the team leader, at a dark time in his life, when he learned that his mother was terminally ill. He was suddenly aware that everyone has a finite time to...

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  • HCHC Faculty, Students, and Alumni Attend Rome Congress

    Hellenic College Holy Cross had a strong presence at the 24th International Congress of the Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches held in Rome, Italy, September 16-20, 2019. HCHC participants included Dr. Lewis Patsavos, Emeritus Professor of Canon Law at Holy Cross and Vice President of the Society; Rev. Fr. Patrick Viscuso (MDiv); Rev. Fr. Chrysostom Nassis (BA, MDiv); Seraphim Villabona (MDiv); Kyle Sterner (MDiv candidate): and Rev. Dn. Bartholomew Mercado (BA, MDiv), Secretary General of the Society. Also participating was His Grace Bishop Kyrillos of Abydos, a former visiting professor of canon law at Holy Cross. His...

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  • Catherine Holder Wins Academic Prize

    Catherine Holder, a Hellenic College senior from Centennial, Colorado, has been named the winner of the Hellenic College Humanities Paper Prize. The prize is awarded annually by the faculty of the Literature and History program. Catherine won the award for her outstanding work in two areas within the field of humanities, scholarship and creative writing, having written both a paper and a collection of poetry. Catherine's prize-winning paper, titled "Know Thyself: Mortality and Acceptance of Place as a Way to Self-Knowledge in The Iliad," was submitted for consideration by Dr. Stamatia Dova, Director of the Classics and Greek Studies program,...

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  • HCHC Board Honors Past President Dr. Thomas Lelon

    Dr. Thomas C. Lelon, HCHC President from 1976-1986 and longtime Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, was honored at an elegant dinner in Dowd Hall on September 11. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, Interim President, presided over the dinner, which was attended by members of the Lelon family and of the current Board. In his remarks, Metropolitan Methodios said that, for more than half a century, Dr. Lelon's life and that of the school "have been inextricably linked." His Eminence expressed to the honoree "our profound gratitude...

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  • His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros Pays Extended Visit to HCHC

    His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America visited HCHC for the second time in less than three weeks, having blessed our community with his presence at Synaxis and Convocation on August 26. This visit extended from September 10 to 14 and allowed His Eminence, who stayed on campus, to participate in many aspects of the life of the school, which he heads as Chairman of the Board. During his days with us, His Eminence shared his thoughts about the future of HCHC at meetings of the Strategic Planning Committee, the Board of Trustees, and the faculty of the School of Theology....

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  • His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros Visits HCHC

    His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America visited Hellenic College Holy Cross for the first time as Archbishop on Monday, August 26. From the moment of his enthronement, His Eminence has made clear his love and support for the school, so it was especially meaningful that he honored us with his presence at the very beginning of the academic year. The day began with the traditional Agiasmos (blessing of the waters) in Holy Cross Chapel. After joining the community for breakfast in the Condakes Cafeteria, His Eminence toured the campus, greeting students in their classrooms and stopping in at the Library,...

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  • HCHC Mourns the Passing of Metropolitan Panteleimon

    The entire HCHC community has been deeply saddened to learn that His Eminence Metropolitan Panteleimon (Rodopoulos) of Tyroloi and Serention fell asleep in the Lord on August 7. He was 90 years old and reposed at the Patriarchal and Stavropegial Monastery of Vlatades in Thessaloniki, of which he was the abbot for many years. From 1963 to 1966, he served as Dean of our school. HCHC's Interim President, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, began his studies here in 1964 under Metropolitan Panteleimon's leadership. His Eminence is remembered as both a venerable Hierarch and a distinguished theologian. His Eminence Archbishop...

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